This Week on the Show ... 2nd Half Kickoff
Stan! delivers a brief "State of the Show" statement, discusses upcoming events, and answers YOUR questions.
On last week’s show (Episode 29), Stan! and guests looked back at the first half of the half-century history of Dungeons & Dragons (and the hobby of tabletop roleplaying games). Before diving into the second half, Stan! want to make a brief “State of the Show” statement and discuss some adjustments and improvements that we’re likely to see in the coming half-year.
He’ll be talking about who some of the upcoming guests will be, how he goes about choosing which images to use for the cartoon homages, and fielding questions from the live chat room. So be sure to come by Stan!’s YouTube channel at 6pm Pacific on Wednesday (August 21st). We’ll save a seat for you!
There won’t be a new cartoon homage this week. Instead, Stan! will be looking at some of the art that’s already been done, discuss where things stand with the art prints, and announce new merch that is in development.
If you can’t be at the livestream and have any questions you’d like Stan! to answer, post them in reply to this message. Remember that if you’re a paid subscriber, your questions get bumped to the head of the queue.
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