This Week on the Show ... Halftime Report
We've gone through 25 years of D&D history. On today's show we look back at what we've done so far ... and what's coming up in the second half of our celebration.
This show was founded to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons and the hobby of tabletop roleplaying gaming. Each episode Stan! has been creating a cartoon homage to a piece of classic D&D art, taking one from each year of the game’s history … and we’ve reached the midway point in that journey. Seems like a good time to take stock of the ground we’ve covered, and look at the first twenty-five years of D&D as a whole.
Returning to help in this effort are award-winning game designers Bill Slavicsek and Ed Stark (both of whom also held longtime managerial roles for the game). Together, the group will try to put the first half of D&D’s history into some perspective, looking at how far it had come in relation to where they now know it was headed next.
There won’t be a new cartoon homage this week. Instead, we’ll be looking back with a critical eye at the 25 that have been done already, and talking about what to expect in the 25 yet to come.
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