This Week's Guest ... Sean K Reynolds
Game designer Sean K Reynolds will be Stan!'s special guest this week. Join them live on Wednesday, September 25 at 6pm Pacific.
Sean K Reynolds started his career as TSR's Online Coordinator, but eventually got "demoted" to Game Designer. He's best known for his work on Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms, but has gone on to write for many different games and settings including Pathfinder, Numenera, and Cypher System.
Join Stan! and Sean as they reminisce about years of friendship, gaming, and BNL concerts. Episode 35 will stream live on YouTube Wednesday, September 25 at 6pm Pacific.
While Stan! chats with Sean, he’ll be working on a cartoon homage to Todd Lockwood’s cover painting for the 2005 Forgotten Realms adventure, Sons of Gruumsh.
If you have any questions for Sean, post them in reply to this message. Remember that if you’re a paid subscriber, your questions get bumped to the head of the queue.
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