Where to Watch Episode 28
Julia Martin was our guest this week. If you missed the livestream, here's where you can watch it any time you like.
We had a terrific conversation with Julia Martin, former senior editor, game designer, and web producer for D&D. Her career began at GDW and then moved over to TSR and eventually Wizards of the Coast. We talked about her deep involvement with Forgotten Realms and what it was like to be the senior editor on the core books for 3rd Edition D&D. She also brought a lot of cool show-and-tell pieces from her archives.
If you missed any of it, don’t despair … you can catch the whole of Episode 28 on replay anytime you want, not to mention the whole catalog of past episodes, too!
Meanwhile, I’m still working on the cartoon homage to Todd Lockwood’s cover painting for the Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Game boxed set that I began drawing during the show. Subscribers will see the final results once the drawing is completed (others will have to wait).
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