Where to Watch Episode 34
Here's where you can catch my conversation with Wizards of the Coast founder Peter Adkison
This week we presented my conversation with Peter Adkison—founder of Wizards of the Coast and owner of Gen Con LLC. We talked a lot about gaming AND the business of game publishing, and had a lot of laughs along the way.
As always, you can watch the whole thing on replay anytime you like by going to the show’s archive on YouTube or jumping directly to Episode 34.
Meanwhile, I’m finishing up the cartoon homage to Wayne Reynolds’s cover painting for the 2004 D&D Basic Set that I began drawing during the show. Subscribers will see the final results once the drawing is completed (others will have to wait).
If you’re enjoying the show, please consider sharing it with other folks you think would like it, too. Word of mouth is the BEST way to help the show grow.
And please do consider upgrading your subscription. You’ll get access to process videos for all of the art produced on the show and discounts on all art prints and other show-related merch.