Where to Watch Episode 37
If you missed the other night's livestream with Bruce Cordell, here's where you can watch the episode on demand
It’s always a good time when I get to spend an hour or so chatting with game designer and author, Bruce Cordell. We joined the staff at TSR about a month apart, and worked together through all of my time there and at Wizards. These days he’s still creating top-notch gaming products for Monte Cook Games, and you can keep up with his fiction on his Patreon.
You can watch Episode 37 in its entirety anytime you like on my YouTube channel.
Meanwhile, I’m finishing up the cartoon homage to Steve Prescott’s cover painting for the 2007 adventure The Sinister Spire that I began drawing during the show. Subscribers will see the final results once the drawing is completed (others will have to wait).
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